The OpenSceneryX project is a free to use library of 3D scenery objects for the X-Plane® flight simulator. It is a collaborative effort by members of the X-Plane.org community, providing a good range of high quality scenery components for authors to use in their scenery packages.
Latest Additions
The library contains many pre-built 3d models including buildings, aircraft and vehicles as well as a large collection of ground markings, ground furniture, trees and plants.
An index of all the objects in the current version is available here. Note that you cannot download single objects, you must download the library as a whole.
Click one of the following links to download the OpenSceneryX installer:
For system requirements for all versions, please see the support page here. If you have problems installing, check the support page or our YouTube channel:
On macOS – double click the disk image, then when the window appears drag the installer onto the Applications folder. Run it from there. On Windows or Linux – just unzip it, put it where you want it and run it. On all versions, you will be asked to locate your X-Plane® folder and then the installer will automatically download the latest version of OpenSceneryX.
You don’t need to download a new installer every time you want to update OpenSceneryX – just re-run it whenever you like and it will only download files that have changed.
Dependencies: Although OpenSceneryX will work without needing to install anything else (except a scenery package that uses it!), some objects such as this one contain advanced animation that needs Sandy Barbour’s CustomSBDatarefs004 plugin to work, which you can download from here. This is optional but recommended.
Normal X-Plane® Users
If you are a standard user of X-Plane®, then you don’t do anything else. Installing this library does nothing on its own to the simulator – you won’t see any changes to your default scenery and you won’t see any new options in X-Plane®. However, scenery packages developed by other people can now use the objects in this library, so if you have installed any scenery package that uses OpenSceneryX then that package will come alive with objects.
X-Plane® Scenery Developers
If you are a scenery developer, click the following link to download the OpenSceneryX Developer Pack: . Instructions for use are enclosed, and the developer pack contains a full PDF reference manual containing everything in the library including screenshots. We also have help for scenery developers on our YouTube channel:
If you have used OpenSceneryX in your scenery package, please let us know by leaving a message on this page.
Although the library is and always will be free to use, it still costs money to host this website and provide the downloads for the library. If you feel the library is a valuable resource, we would be very grateful if you would consider donating a little to keep it running.
Scenery Packages that use OpenSceneryX
So if you’ve downloaded the library and would like to see it in use, you’ll need to find a scenery package that uses it! Take a look at the list of packages that are enhanced by OpenSceneryX.
Libraries Integrated with OpenSceneryX
We are now starting to integrate third party libraries, where the author has generously contributed their entire library to OpenSceneryX. The following libraries are fully incorporated, so you no longer need to install them separately:
- RE Library by Richard C Elliott (einstein)
- FlyAgi Vegetation Library by FlyAgi
- FlyAgi Wind Turbine Library by FlyAgi
- DT Library by Darrell Thompson
- FlyAgi Vegetation Global Trees by FlyAgi
For the following libraries, necessary changes had to be made to the items, so although all content has been fully included, you will still need the original library installed to support old packages that used it:
- Flags of the World by Mr 3D and Chris Noe. All flags have been rotated by 90° to conform to the OpenSceneryX standard.
- Flags of the USA by Mr 3D and Chris Noe. All flags have been rotated by 90° to conform to the OpenSceneryX standard.
If you are an author of a library and would like to contribute it to OpenSceneryX, we would be happy to discuss, so please get in touch.
We now have an extraordinary contributions in the library and still rising.
A big thank you to the following people who have contributed:
Additional thanks also goes to Tom Kyler for testing the Linux version of the installer, to Sergio Santagada for allowing the OpenSceneryX installer icon to be based on his original icon artwork and to the following people for localising the installer: Haris Amiel, Olivier Faivre, Jon Hyams, Valentin Kaufmann, Matteo Lorenzini, Gerrit-Jan Rebel, Michal Rybinski, Amado Chiñas Sánchez, Jordi Sayol and M. Vishnyakov.
Finally, thank you to the three.js team for their fantastic work which allows us to render 3D previews of all our content on the website.
Would you like to contribute?
We are always looking to expand the library, so if you would like to contribute your work we would love to include it. To find out how, there are some instructions for contributors here.
We’re sorry you have to see ads on the site, but unfortunately they are necessary to allow us to help fund and continue the project.